The Papua New Guinea Chamber of Resources & Energy (PNG CORE) is pleased to announce that for the first time, the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) will feature at the country’s premier international investment event – the 2024 PNG Investment Week. This will see ABG President Hon. Ishmael Toroama headline a session focused on investment opportunities in the autonomous region.
In officially announcing the ABG’s participation, PNG CORE President Anthony Smaré said willingness of the ABG to take part in PNG Investment Week reaffirmed their commitment to laying the foundation for future economic growth in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.

“Since PNG CORE’s initial engagement and partnership with the ABG at CANCONEX in 2023, and then at the 2024 PNG Resources Week, the relationship has been one that provided the platform for progress, particularly within the mineral resources sector. However, this relationship is more than mineral resources – this is about broader economic growth. PNG Investment Week will now provide a platform for the ABG to connect with reputable investors, who are willing to venture into the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.”
“President Hon. Toroama is expected to speak on the initiatives that the ABG have taken to promote investment opportunities, particularly for renewable resources through the blue-green economy. President Toroama will be joined by Acting Chief Secretary Kearneth Nanei, who will provide an overview of the various policies that the public service machinery has undertaken to support international investment into the autonomous region.”
“The ABG Delegation also includes key officials from across the commerce, economic and trade departments, who will be present to provide guidance to investors who are interested in learning more about the regulatory environment on Bougainville.”
“There has been a keen interest from the international community on the developments on Bougainville, and the ABG’s participation at PNG Investment Week is sure to build on this, whilst also providing the opportunity for reputable investors to meet directly with the ABG and its commerce, economic and trade representatives who will be in attendance.”
“PNG Investment Week is an opportunity that the ABG has fully embraced, and with the support of PNG CORE, we believe positive outcomes will be realised as a direct result of the ABG’s participation in this event.”
Registration for the PNG Investment Week is still open, and is available at www.pnginvestmentweek.com.pg